Hello, I'm Reza. I'm a full-stack developer. I enjoy building sites & apps. My focus is React (Next.js).
About me
I am currently pursuing my final year as a student in BSc. in Computer Science and Technology at Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST). During my time at university, I've had the privilege of engaging in various academic and extracurricular activities. As a student, I've not only excelled in my coursework but also actively contributed to the university community. My core stack is React, Next.js, Node.js, and MongoDB. I am also familiar with TypeScript and Prisma. I am always looking to learn new technologies. I am currently looking for a full-time position as a software developer.
When I'm not coding, I enjoy playing video games, watching movies. I also enjoy learning new things.
My projects
SUST Research Archive
This research archive is a resource for students, faculty, and the broader community .
- Tpescript
- Next.js
- Express.js
- NextAuth
- Prisma
- MongoDb
- husky
- mantine-Ui
- ReactQuery
- Tailwind-css
Try To implement the website like e-commerce for my web-project.
- Typescript
- Next.js-13
- Express.js
- NextAuth
- Prisma
- MongoDb
- Zustand
- tailwind
- mui-table
- Tailwind-css
Classroom Management
Online classroom management system where there are 2 types of users students and teachers.Teacher can create course and student can join on it.
- java
- mySql
- apache-server
- jsp
- tomcat
- servlet
- Tailwind-css
Reusable Component
Reusable component makes your productivity faster. In this Project I want to make a website that will store all my previous component . I can see the component preview and copy it from there. In this way I don't have to create same component multiple time.
- ypescript
- Next.js
- Express.js
- NextAuth
- husky
- code-sandbox
- Tailwind-css
Gym Management
Online Gym management system for my database project with PostgreSQL
- React
- Express.js
- raw-css
- PostgreSQL
Booking Reservation
Hotel Booking Reservation system with react and MongoDB. There is also an admin panel with it
- React
- Express.js
- MongoDB
My skills
- C
- C++
- Java
- JavaScript
- TypeScript
- React
- Next.js
- Node.js
- Git
- Tailwind
- Prisma
- MongoDB
- Zustand
- Express
- PostgreSQL
- Python
- Framer Motion
My experience
Front-End Developer
Learning front end development starting with html, css and js
2021 - 2023Graduation
I am currently final year student of SUST. My academic subject is Computer Science and Engineering
2023Full-Stack Developer
I'm now a full-stack developer working as a freelancer. My stack includes React, Next.js, TypeScript, Tailwind, Prisma and MongoDB. I'm open to full-time opportunities.
2023 - presentContact me
Please contact me directly at alial89@student.sust.edu or through this form.